Weekly Digest: Technological Advancements That Can Shape the Lives of the Elderly

Technology has already been a massive part of our daily lives. We see kids focused on tablets and working adults tapping away on their mobile phones, but how does technology affects those of the older generations?

Scientists Test Virtual Reality Tools to Help Seniors

Senior Advisor’s Casey Kelly-Barton features how virtual reality provides an easier way for the elderly to travel to new places and even participate in family gatherings. The start-up company is also looking into installing these devices in facilities that provide long term care.

Best Simple Smartphones for Seniors

Smartphones have changed the way we look at mobile phones. Thanks to this invention, we can now easily access so much information with just a few swipes. However, not all of them are tailored for the elderly.’s  Jim T. Miller shared through the Huffington Post three easy-to-use smartphones that tech-shy seniors will surely come to love.

Five Caregiving apps – some people use them, but what are they?

Mobile applications are not just for engaging games like Pokemon Go, Candy Crush, and Angry Birds. Laurie Orlov of Aging in Place Technology Watch lists down five apps that can help caregivers keep track of their loved ones’ wellbeing without hindering them from living an independent life.

Hacks Can Ease the Trials of Aging

While so many of the older generations find technology cumbersome, 92-year old Ms. Beskind, as shared by  Marie Tae McDermott of The New York Times, uses her own experiences and limitations to help create technology that will assist older adults with their daily struggles.

How Technology Can Empower the Elderly

People often assume that the elderly are incapable of understanding technology. Lorena Nessi of Psych Central proves them otherwise. What they instead need, are technological devices that are more fitting to their way of life.