Weekly Digest: The Plight of the Aging LGBT Individual

Aging is not easy for plenty of people, and this statement holds most true for those who are part of the LGBT community.

Planning for long term care is already a complicated process for most adults. However, this becomes especially hard for those who have to worry about discrimination and biases. While society continues to become more accepting and understanding, plenty of older LGBT adults still face scrutiny and abuse.

For this week’s roundup, we would like to help shed more light on the struggles that the older LGBT adults face as they fight to build a path towards aging gracefully.

LGBT Elders: Challenges and Hope

Unite Virginia’s Leland Kiang shares an in-depth look at the struggles that the LGBT elders face. He shares how, despite all the progressive steps society has taken, elderly adults still are still plagued by discriminatory government policies and public prejudices. However, he ends his piece by stating all the efforts that various organizations have done to help and protect LGBT elders.

LGBT Seniors Are Being Pushed Back Into the Closet

David R. Wheeler of The Atlantic shares how facilities are taking measures to eradicate discrimination of LGBT individuals in their community. He cites in his article how this type of treatment is not only limited to physical, verbal, and the other forms of abuse many would often be on the lookout for. Sometimes, staff members could make an older individual uncomfortable by assuming that he or she is heterosexual through off-handed questions about spouses, children, and grandchildren.

SAGE for LGBT seniors to at last launch affiliate in Miami-Dade County

Another step was taken to progress as Steve Rothaus of Miami Herald features a new development in Miami-Dade County designed to cater to the needs of older LGBT individuals. The affiliation between Miami-Dade County and SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) aims to create an environment where the LGBT elders can freely be their authentic selves without fear of harassment and abuse in their living spaces.

FAQ: Housing Rights of LGBT Seniors

Lambda Legal provides legal information and guidance to LGBT seniors with regards to their housing rights.

LGBT Seniors Face Unique Challenges

Despite all the advancements that the LGBT community has done, so many individuals are still at risk for discrimination and poverty, Heather Vincent Mir of The Oldish cites the various instances when older LGBT adults experience this kind of treatment.

The LGBT community has leaped to greater heights in the recent years. They have fought and stood their ground to cement their place in society, and they have come up on top. We have all witnessed how they stood against adversity and won their right to freedom and acceptance—and it truly was a wonderful sight to behold.

However, the struggles of our LGBT loved ones are far from over. We have witnessed cruelty and malice directed at them for striving to be authentic. We have all heard the stories and read about them online. While we are taking great steps toward acceptance, society still has a long way to go.