Weekly Digest: The Experiences and Struggles That Caregivers Face

This week, we will be highlighting the challenges that individuals go through as they take on the role of caregiver. We will be sharing various accounts from caregivers themselves and the topics range from the different ways the care for their patients to the kind of care that they need in turn.


Five Medication Management Tips for Elder Caregivers‘s Maria Wellisch, RN, LNFA, featured five ways in which caregivers can help their elderly loved ones manage their medication through her guest post on Brenda Avadian’s The Caregiver’s Voice. By following these tips, seniors and caregivers can reduce the risk of polypharmacy or the use of multiple drugs which is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.


A Stranger Asks, “So, Do You Work?”

Donna Thomson tells how the simple phrase, “So do you work?” can affect a caregiver. This article features what is like for a caregiver to explain what he/she does and to have it stacked up alongside other occupations. She recounts the emotional turmoil that comes with having to explain what a caregiver does.


Communicating With Dementia Patients Who Don’t Know Your Name

Communication between family members who have dementia and family caregivers can be a frustration for both parties. CrossroadsHospice & Palliative Care gives tips on how to talk effectively with your loved ones who suffer from Dementia.


Caregivers Need More Than Advice on Self-care

SheaCompanions details the experience of Kim, a caregiver, who spent six and a half years caring for a friend. While constant reminder to care for yourself while caring for someone might be helpful for other, she shares how caregivers would benefit more if they received actual hands-on help.


How to Help Aging Parents with their Pet

KristinAngulo of Caregivers Inc. shares ways in which you can assist your aging parents in making the right decisions for their pets when they become unable to provide the care.