Dementia care is difficult because of all the changes the care recipient goes through. No amount of money or precaution can fully prepare families for when dementia strikes a loved one, and this reality is even more devastating for many couples. To illustrate, here is a video we came across online of Bob Treanor and… read more

Last September 21, organizations, groups, families, and individuals observed World Alzheimer’s Day. As the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, Alzheimer’s disease affects the people on a devastating scale. While planning for long term care helps immensely, individuals and families still have much to go through with this ordeal.   Understandably, many… read more

  The Slow Waltz into Dementia Learning that your parents are slowly succumbing to Dementia is not an easy task, but, as Kay H. Bransford shares through Dealing with Dementia, getting your parents to accept their condition is much worse. While caregiver support is available to anyone who needs it, Bransford lets us into the… read more

This week, we will be highlighting the challenges that individuals go through as they take on the role of caregiver. We will be sharing various accounts from caregivers themselves and the topics range from the different ways the care for their patients to the kind of care that they need in turn.   Five Medication Management Tips for Elder… read more

Nursing homes provide a wide range of medical and long term care services that help people maintain the best level of functionality even if they are dependent to others for care. The following are some of the programs/services they offer. 1. Alzheimer’s and Dementia Program As most caregivers can attest, caring for a person with… read more

According to a U.S study, families might shell out twice as much if they are taking care of a Dementia patient than a loved one suffering from other conditions or illnesses. It is hard to believe without numbers so here are the costs that Annals of Internal Medicine published. The study revealed that families of… read more