Medicaid is a federal health assistance program administered at the state level for poor and indigent Americans. It can help pay for senior long term care. However, there are general, functional and financial requirements that must be met in order to qualify for benefits. General Requirements As a general rule, Medicaid only grants benefits to… read more

Around ten million Americans today are receiving long term care services. This number is expected to increase as our population continues to age. In less than two decades, there will be 70 million people in America aged 65 and older and according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at least 70% of… read more

Most of us are aware how crucial owning a long term care insurance policy is to have a secured life during retirement. However, we are often discouraged from buying one when we realize how complicated shopping for a policy can become. The expensive premiums, coupled by the number of additional riders offered by insurance companies,… read more

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive organic brain disorder that leads to the irreversible loss of cognitive abilities such as reasoning and memory retention. In year 2000, around 4.5 million Americans suffered from this disease and this number is expected to triple by year 2050 as the number of Americans aged 65 and older increase. People… read more

A lot of us carefully plan for our retirement – invest in mutual funds, contribute to 401k and pay mortgages – but even the most well thought of plan can be threatened if it does not include preparations for long term care. Long term care involves a wide variety of services for people who need… read more

Long term care insurance might be one of the most important insurance products in the market today but it is also one of the most complicated. Most of its added features and riders can add extra value for your money, but it can also make the entire process of shopping for a policy more confusing…. read more

If you are still able to do basic activities of daily living such as dressing, eating, transferring, toileting, continence and bathing but are having difficulties performing instrumental activities like cooking, cleaning and driving, you don’t have to move into an assisted living facility or hire in-home service providers right away. There are simple long term… read more

Years ago, buying long term care insurance is a tedious process. If you want to compare prices, you have to call long term care insurance companies one by one. Today, however, because of websites that provide consumers with comprehensive information about long term care, it is now easy to get long term care quotes from… read more