Father’s Day is the perfect time to thank your Dad for their hard work, sacrifices, life lessons and everything else that helped you become who you are today. Apart from celebrating Father’s Day, take this opportunity to talk about something important. No, not about his favorite sports team or his dream car. Take this opportunity… read more

Growing old is inevitable so are aging issues that need to be addressed, which go beyond the normal changes – getting wrinkles, gray hair and other physical and health changes. The aging population will face more serious problems later in their lives affecting not only themselves but as well as the people they love. Aside… read more

Aging with dignity is everyone’s dream that seems to be unattainable given the situation right now – rapid aging population, issues surrounding aging like illnesses, lack of planning for long-term care and limited retirement savings. But is it really hard to age with dignity? It’s hard but not impossible to attain. Individuals should learn to… read more

Aging and long term care are the immediate problems of Americans that needs to be addressed today. The American population is living longer, which is both good news and bad news to Americans. Due to medical advancements, people will most likely live much longer today. Some people would gladly welcome it with open arms because… read more