Last Updated On:   Family caregiving is physically, emotionally and financially draining. Despite all of this, family members persevere and wake up early to do their caregiving duties. Why? Simply because they care and they find it rewarding to take care of their loved ones. However, the financial and emotional strain of family caregiving is… read more

Last Updated On:   The number one question caregivers always ask is this, “how to get paid for being a family caregiver?” Caregiving for a family member is done out of love, and there is no monetary compensation attached to it. Since this is mostly the case, taking care of a loved one can be… read more

Using this long term care planning checklist can help many older Americans face reality: Knee-deep in long term care expenses that they need to drain their savings and assets just to make up for the costs. Another unfortunate reality is that many of the younger baby boomers following their footsteps still have no retirement savings… read more

Caregiving can strengthen the bonds of relationships within the family. It can bridge gaps and heal decades-long conflicts through the connections that form during the care. However, it can also cause strains within the family. In marriages and relationships, no one really thinks of their partner caring for an aging parent until it starts happening…. read more

Family caregivers are no stranger to financial issues. When you assume the role of your family member’s primary care provider, it includes tackling the costs of their care as well as their expenses and necessities. On top of this, you also have your own finances to contend with. This is why a significant amount of… read more

We have all established long ago that long term care for women in United is especially difficult to deal with. Because of a number of factors that we will later discuss, women find it harder to cope with the challenges of needing care in their own country. So what can we do remain on top?… read more

Have you ever come across a daughter giving up a Friday night out with friends to rush home and stay with her elderly grandmother? Have you ever stopped and talked with a stay-at-home wife caring for her husband with Alzheimer’s? Do you have friends supporting their kids while also providing for their elderly parents? Not… read more