Last Updated On:   Family caregiving is physically, emotionally and financially draining. Despite all of this, family members persevere and wake up early to do their caregiving duties. Why? Simply because they care and they find it rewarding to take care of their loved ones. However, the financial and emotional strain of family caregiving is… read more

Dementia care is difficult because of all the changes the care recipient goes through. No amount of money or precaution can fully prepare families for when dementia strikes a loved one, and this reality is even more devastating for many couples. To illustrate, here is a video we came across online of Bob Treanor and… read more

Family caregivers are no stranger to financial issues. When you assume the role of your family member’s primary care provider, it includes tackling the costs of their care as well as their expenses and necessities. On top of this, you also have your own finances to contend with. This is why a significant amount of… read more

Nothing can be more devastating than losing a loved one, whether it be your sibling, parent, child, or partner.  And no one will be ready for that to happen.   For many, the long stretch of battling a disease might seem like preparation for what is about to come. But when it actually does, we… read more

Once people hit the age of 65, long term care and all that comes with it suddenly shift to becoming a top priority. Questions, such as “Who will care for me when I’m older?”, “How much does long term care cost in this country?”, or “Will I still be able to live in my own… read more

As family members, our instinct is always to protect our own. And so when the roles are reversed, and Mom and Dad reach the point where they need our support, we want to do anything in our power to help. We take part in the planning, we get the documents in order, and we purchase… read more

Have you ever come across a daughter giving up a Friday night out with friends to rush home and stay with her elderly grandmother? Have you ever stopped and talked with a stay-at-home wife caring for her husband with Alzheimer’s? Do you have friends supporting their kids while also providing for their elderly parents? Not… read more