Once people hit the age of 65, long term care and all that comes with it suddenly shift to becoming a top priority. Questions, such as “Who will care for me when I’m older?”, “How much does long term care cost in this country?”, or “Will I still be able to live in my own… read more

Longevity is inevitable for many, but our happiness and comfort during those extended years are entirely up to us. In a study released earlier this year, the National Center for Health Statistics shared that the number of centenarians has increased by 43.6% from the year 2000. This means that we could reach our hundreds and… read more

A dance partner, a superhero, a confidant—Dad has played important roles in our lives. From broken toys to broken hearts, our fathers (and father figures) have always been our constant with his comforting smile and steady guidance. However, the reality of life is that this cannot last for as long as we all hope. Like… read more

In the study “Examining Differences in Death Rates for Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Nursing Home Residents,” Dr. Jennifer Troyer of University of North Carolina disclosed that the mortality rate of Medicaid patients is 14.8% higher than the mortality rate of private-paying residents. Although the high death rate can be caused by other factors, it could still… read more

According to the most recent UBS Wealth Management Americas report, 42% of wealthy older adults are afraid that they will become a burden to their children later on while 34% says they are afraid of surviving on life support and 15% fear living in a nursing home. These wealthy seniors prefer not to ask the… read more

Did you know that around 444,000 patients die every year because of medical malpractice? This is actually the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, and because of this, long term care providers are making prevention of these deaths as their top priority. As a matter of fact, about 60,000 of residents… read more

According to a U.S study, families might shell out twice as much if they are taking care of a Dementia patient than a loved one suffering from other conditions or illnesses. It is hard to believe without numbers so here are the costs that Annals of Internal Medicine published. The study revealed that families of… read more

According to ACSIA Partners, a leading long term care insurance policy company, almost all Americans who are 50 years old struggle to cover the high cost of long term care. But don’t fret because according to ACSIA, there are two ways to overcome this hurdle. First, you should determine if there is a gap between… read more