Caregiving can strengthen the bonds of relationships within the family. It can bridge gaps and heal decades-long conflicts through the connections that form during the care. However, it can also cause strains within the family. In marriages and relationships, no one really thinks of their partner caring for an aging parent until it starts happening…. read more

Who’s thrilled for the holidays as we are? Christmas presents and some much-deserved quality time with the family—we cannot help but buzz with excitement! But before we get caught up in the preparations and festivities, would like to encourage family members to take their senior relatives into account. This is why, similar to our… read more

From finding the right long term care facility to understanding the costs and risks of independent living, growing old in America is not easy. Elder care has many components and avenues that it has become difficult for older adults to find and choose an option that is affordable yet superb in quality. recognizes… read more

  We have all, at one point in our lives, walked past a pet store, begged, and pleaded with our parents to get that adorable puppy by the window. Many—though not enough—walk into the shelter with a mission of providing a home and a family to one of its furry residents. Pets provide relief to… read more

Whether it is a friend or a family member, we all know at least one person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. At present, five million Americans are living with the disease, and the number will continue to grow in the coming years. The disease is devastating to both the patient and his or her family. However,… read more

As family members, our instinct is always to protect our own. And so when the roles are reversed, and Mom and Dad reach the point where they need our support, we want to do anything in our power to help. We take part in the planning, we get the documents in order, and we purchase… read more

Longevity is inevitable for many, but our happiness and comfort during those extended years are entirely up to us. In a study released earlier this year, the National Center for Health Statistics shared that the number of centenarians has increased by 43.6% from the year 2000. This means that we could reach our hundreds and… read more