High health literacy can help baby boomers achieve one of their biggest goals: to thrive while growing older. By being equipped with the necessary information, baby boomers can make strategic decisions and remain in full control of their future. This is why they must prioritize improving health literacy just as much as saving money for… read more

Long term care insurance rates, policy types and coverage, retirement plans, and Social Security benefits—these are just a few of the aspects of boomer retirement Over the years, we have witnessed substantial changes in how older adults choose to retire and grow older. Their behavior in relation to aging and long term care has deviated… read more

Long-term care and retirement planning are two of the biggest challenges that baby boomers must overcome now. Yet, not many know how to navigate the process successfully.  As 10,000 individuals from this generation retire daily, the country is on the verge of what is being dubbed as the silver tsunami. The questions we now pose… read more

Long-term care planning requires teamwork between the baby boomer planning to retire and the industry expert with all the necessary data. In order to establish a good long-term care plan that will stay comprehensive and reliable even after decades, soon-to-be retirees ought to consult with industry professionals and allow them to guide in planning.  … read more

What makes a good retirement plan? For many individuals, a plan is considered good when it is comprehensive—well thought out and covers all the bases. However, what makes a retirement plan comprehensive will depend on multiple factors and circumstances that surround the individual. This means that what might work for another person and what he… read more

Long term care planning is absolutely necessary for Americans today. Because of recent developments and challenges thrown their way, so many individuals are at a high risk of facing long term care costs without the proper resources. From the lack of retirement savings to the escalating amounts of debt, so many Americans are transitioning into… read more

Last Updated On:   Families celebrate Easter in different and exciting ways—Easter Egg Hunts, bountiful feasts, and even crafts making. However, there are family members that we should always, always take into consideration as we make our preparations: our aging parents.   The lives of our aging parents can be quite stressful. There are always big… read more

This month’s digest focuses on the different facets of aging in place. We have compiled 10 articles and studies by industry experts to explore the various parts of this growing trend across generations.     Aging in place is becoming the dream to achieve for most seniors and soon-to-be retirees. After all, who can deny… read more

Long term care insurance (LTCI) is a hot topic among generations. Is it or is it not a good type of coverage? Well, for the majority of current policyholders, this type of insurance seems to be doing the trick. Studies show that 90% of individuals covered by LTCI are satisfied with the costs, and 89%… read more